Businesses and Industries
Commercial Services
If you are located in the Denton County area you have come to the right place. Our world class services will ensure peace-of-mind when it comes to pest control and prevention no matter how big or small. We get the job done the first time.

All our services are customized to meet the specific needs of each customer. We will sechedule a time to meet with you, inspect the premises to determine what your specific needs may be. We will review options based on our findings and let you make the final discisions on what services you choose to have performed. After all,
You are our Boss!

If you have a need for pest control we are here to please.
- Restaurants
- Property Management
- Doctors Office
- Builders New Construction
- Stores
- Gas Stations
- Industrial Complexes
Services Offered
General Pest Control service is offered to a business in a way that fits the needs of the specific industry being serviced. General Pest Control for a restaurant is quite different than for a doctors office each have unique requirements and needs and will be determined after initial consultation with first visit to site. Since no contracts are necessary treatment methods can be adjusted when required or canceled at any time if not satisfied.
Specialized Treatments:
Businesses that utilize our Monthly/Bi-Monthly service on a regular basis are entitled to special pricing when it comes Specialized Treatments of such pests listed below:
- Bed Bugs
- Fleas
- Ants (acrobat, Argentine, big-headed, carpenter, crazy, odorous, pavement, pharaoh, thief)
- Spiders (black widow, brown recluse, cellar, hobo)
- Rodants
- Heavy Infestation of German Roach
- Termites
- and Others
Call or email us for pricing. 📬
We call and set appointments for each customer prior to your next service date, unless otherwise directed.

If you are currently having an insect or pest problem and are unable to identify what it is. You can take the following steps:
1. Get some clear scotch tape. When you see an insect or pest you can catch it and place it on the tape and fold the tape in half. Be sure not to smash or crush the insect so an identification can be made when we come visit you.
2. Catch it in a clear jar and or tupperware so it can be identified.
3. Take a clear close up photo of it against a contrasting back ground and with an other object so that the size of insect can be easily understood, a penny, nickel, dime, and or quarter works great. Send the photo to the number listed at the right of this page or send it to us in an email so we can attempt to identify it for you.